Debrunner Koenig Gruppe
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The information system of the Debrunner Koenig Gruppe is managed by:


Debrunner Koenig Gruppe

Company headquarters:

St. Gallen, Switzerland


Debrunner Koenig AG
Hinterlauben 8, 9004 St. Gallen


Customer Support
T +41 58 235 35 35

Legal notice and disclaimer:

The Debrunner Koenig Gruppe accepts no liability for the accuracy, completeness or topicality of the information and offers published on the websites of the Debrunner Koenig Gruppe, Debrunner Acifer AG, Debrunner Metallservice AG, Debrunner Acifer Bewehrungen AG and Bewetec AG, / All website content (texts, images, etc.) is the property of the Debrunner Koenig Gruppe. The websites are protected by copyright © and by Swiss copyright law. All rights reserved.

The Debrunner Koenig Gruppe excludes without limitation any liability for the use or non-availability of the entire website. The use of the website is at the user’s own risk. This also applies to any direct or indirect consequential damages that may arise from the use of or access to the website or from links to third-party websites. We expressly alert users to the danger of viruses and hacker attacks, and we refuse any liability for any tampering with the internet user’s computer system by unauthorised parties. If the user is asked to enter personal or business data on the website, this is done on a voluntarily basis.

St. Gallen, 12 August 2020